An excerpt from "The Lost Pilgrim"...

Sometimes I like to post excerpts from my work. Usually, it's to give my readers a taste of what I am working on. I have been working on "The Lost Pilgrim" for around five months now, I haven't posted much on it, mainly because it wasn't refined enough. Because it is coming out soon I decided to post an excerpt or two for anyone who is interested (I know who a couple of you are). This is my first venture into the realm of fantasy, I want it to be a good one. I hope you enjoy this excerpt, I hope it gets you hungry for more.

"The swirling sands are spread in front of him. They churn inside out, holding her giant form together.

He looks into those bright sunlight-eyes and he sees only the light of a billion candles blazing. There is no life within the red-orange iridescence. The sockets have become glass around the light, translucent layers that reflect it outward. She is a lighthouse on the shore of a great ocean, the intent is to be seen. Her eyes are beacons of warning in the storm, they turn travelers away, yet she still starves because she wasn’t given eyelids to close and hide within.

They aren't her's, the other gods set them into her skull as a warning to all those who would trek into the desert. They don’t reflect her nature or give away her intent.

The gods chose to blind her for a very good reason. There was simplicity in their decision. If they allowed her to see, then she would all there was, even the light.  

His eyes drift slowly across her enormous head, and she prepares to suck him from the overhang.

The maw opens, and it’s wider than any pit. There is nothing there, not even blackness. He can't understand what is inside her. Her depth is bottomless, and if there were a color to describe it, that color would be called the end of all things; it would be called oblivion.

He stares into the creature feeling it will be the last time he looks at anything. But there is something else with him. He feels it, he's familiar with it. It’s warm, and it holds him and tells him that oblivion is a made-up place. Only those who give it power go there, and he doesn’t believe in such things."



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