The Greater Lands of Umbria...

A number of people who read my last book "The Lost Pilgrim" wanted to see the whole map of Umbria. It's the one on the cover but it's mostly covered up (it's also in the back of the book too, but it's small and a little hard to read). I was asked to upload the image and decided it would be nice to show off my work (shameless self-promotion). 

There are two maps, a rough and a final. The first is the original I created by hand (except the border). The problem was that it didn't look good on the pages of the book. It was too small and I needed a map I could use across multiple books. I decided to upgrade it. 

The new map (the second one below) was created with a layering program named Ikarnate. I chose it because it can render in 4k (super crisp and clean). It was made with tiles and some hand-drawn images. I hope you all enjoy it!

This is the rough original I had in the back of my novel.

And here is the updated one I used for the cover of my book.

There are three more parts to this map, all of equal size. I didn't post them because I haven't explored that part of the world yet. 



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