Food coma!


(photo credit goes to Sarah Pflug of burst)

Just like every year, today is a day for leftovers and food-comas. Here in America at least. I have never been too fond of eating until I hurt, but that's exactly what seems to happen each year for thanksgiving. I still don't know how it happens, each year I eat a little less, and each year the food coma seems to last a little longer- or maybe I just have more wine each year and only think I eat less. Nonetheless, this year was bad, like "hate myself in the morning and hide in shame all day" bad.  Needless to say, I march on, that's what  I do. I drag myself out of bed and stagger around my house cleaning up and prepping for the next food disaster holiday- Christmas. Keep in mind, Christmas is something I don't natively celebrate, my immediate family on the other hand does. So I join in. Thank the stars none of us celebrate "black Friday", even the name sound ominous. Besides, I need the Friday after to recover from the gluttonous food orgy of thanksgiving. 

So to all of you other "Americaners", I hope your food coma is going well, I hope you are sleeping off the seventeen-course meal you ate and enjoying sweet dreams. 

Here is a taste of a little something I have been drawing in my spare time, literally five minutes hereand there for a couple of months now. It will be done shortly, but it will not be posted to the gallery, this one is already spoken for.

Cheers, and keep on creating!


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