Biweekly Audio book!
In another life, I learned and taught martial arts. My Sensei had a number of books he wanted us to read, some made more sense than others. The one that always seemed to make no sense to me, at least until I was in the moment during a match, was "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu. It's one of those layer books that have more meaning the more they are read, also they get new meanings as time goes by. Unlike the other books I read, The Art of War was something I never fully got, and don't think I ever will.
Every few years I go back and read it, and I am also pleasantly surprised to glean more lessons from it- I no longer wonder why it can sometimes be found in the business section at Barns & Noble. So today, the biweekly audiobook is The Art of War. I know some of you won't be into this, and I know some of you will- it's an acquired taste.
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