A few words about being a content creator...

I must admit, I hate words like "influencer" and "content creator", especially with regard to the interwebs. The interwebs has changed so much in the arts, least of all is the dignity of true artists. It takes away from the actual title and what it means to be an author, artist, or musician. As an example, when you are a writer, it's pretty clear what you do- you write. When you are an artist, it's also pretty clear what you do- you create art. A musician creates music and a sculpture makes... well you get the idea. Ad nauseam! 

I do not associate "influencer" or "content creator" with any specific talent or creative outlet, other than marketing themselves as such and convincing people to believe that's what they are. That being said, I also acknowledge that whether I want it to change or not, the arts are changing; a rebranding if you will. And as much as I hate the terms used, that is the future for a while. 

I read a lot of Kurt Vonnegut and Douglas Adams, and I have to admit, as strange as they were, they couldn't prepare me for how weird the future actually is. If they told me that there would be an occupation that relied on the phrase "like and subscribe", I would have laughed aloud. Yet here we are in this horrible-wonderful world of oddities as curiosities. A freak show of vanity, ego, and self-gratification. A world where a person's cat can be the primary provider for the household and "memes" can bring in more revenue than an electrician can. I won't even get into things like NFTs and ChatGPT, suffice to say the fact that they exist means all reason, logic, and understanding have fallen away from the human psyche. The internet really should have a warning on it and it should read like Dante: "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here, all is madness and folly beyond these gates". 

However, as strange as it is, now more than ever, there is potential for the impoverished masses (artists, musicians, and writers) to #livetheirbestlife. More and more artists are picking up on this thing called content creation. More and more are adapting their skills to become fluent in the language of the internet, and the digital world of art, music, film, etc. That is if A.I. doesn't wipe it out completely. And this may be coming a bit late, as these people have been making there art for years, but it is worth noting that there are new markets opening up for those intrepid "makers of things". 

I am from an older generation (Gen X) and sometimes I struggle with this modern way of doing things. But it's also a matter of adjustment and how well I am adapting (spoiler alert, I am adjusting, just not super fast). Being a modern artist and author means understanding the importance of marketing in a super diverse market where nothing is as it seems and the turn over comes at insane speeds. Its odd that the internet is such a competitive place while at the same time it is also easier to convert sales. 

Everything online moves at break-neck speeds and cycles round and round. The key, as also the point of this little diatribe, is adaptation. To make a healthy living on the internet, one must adapt to it. One must keep up with what it trending and where the markets are. A savvy interweb denizen will pay attention to what is happening and shape their online presence to meet the market needs, while also in the mean time positioning themselves to be directly in the way of upcoming fashion and appeal. 

This is something I have always struggled with. I am moving into a more fluid way of doing things, and hope to have you all along for the ride. There will be a lot of turning corners now that I have freed up the time needed to invest in a different way of life. I am adapting and I hope you all come along for the ride. 



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