Biweekly Audio book...
This week I just fell like crushing some skulls and making some dude lament me. That's right, we are going straight Robert E. Howard this week, well, his legacy at least. It's some premium "Conan the Barbarian" goodness. This one is a lot like the last audio book, Tarzan had 23 follow ups, well, Conan had 21 adventures (by Howard). I plan to own them all someday, but these collections get quite expensive.
This week, I am going to step outside the Robert Howard series, and look at some additions people have written in the Conan sagas, and there are more than I can count. We are going to go with "Conan The Swordsman", by L. Sprague de Camp, Lin Carter and Björn Nyberg. A collaboration, great! This is one I have never read, so I will be doing this with you this week. I take it the legend himself needs no introduction so enjoy your skull crushing this week.
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