Quote of the week...

Copywrite J.B. Sommerset (c) 2024
Thimble Flower by J.B. Sommerset (c) 2024

Sometimes quotes can be super formulaic and that can be annoying, but sometimes just because it's annoying doesn't make it less profound. One of the most common ones is: "If you don't learn to master your rage, your rage will become your master." There is an old Ben Stiller movie that pointed this out, it's called "Mystery Men". That movie was okay, it gave me a chuckle, but he was right about this. Most of the great quote writers do this. I am not great, but I have a couple of these formulaic little bastards in my notebooks, so here's one for the day:

"Be specific to the particulars of your craft, but also, be particular to the specifics of your craft."

J.B. Sommerset.



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