Quote of the week...

J.B. Sommerset (c) 2023
"The Rift" J.B. Sommerset (c) 2023

I was talking to an insurance company the other day, wait, hold up, don't click off... This post only starts with something as boring as an insurance company. It's the quote of the week, so it's the situation that inspired the quote. It needs some context. I kept hitting the prompts trying to talk to a real person, and all that happened was that I got sent around and around- I didn't even get a lousy tee from it. Nothing got accomplished in that two hours of my life. It was all about bureaucracy. Here's your quote of the week:

"Bureaucracy is a tool of unimaginative and boring people. It's purpose is to bind and control those who think beyond rules and regulations."

J.B. Sommerset

