Below, I have posted some of the artwork I do for my stories, short stories, and compilations. Not all make the final cut, and some I won't post because they are too personal, or too large to load quickly. Most are not for sale, but some will be appearing in my literature soon enough (Especially Umbrian Stories, and The Last of those who walk). 

...Once again, you can find the literature on my Amazon page, or you can visit the complete works, short stories and compilations, or upcoming projects pages to find information. Additionally, When you visit my Author Central page, you can navigate through all the titles and of course- purchase. 

 These will change and rotate out every now and then, I hope you enjoy them!

(c) Copy-write 2016, J. B. Sommerset
"Den'Hulae The Hollow One"

(c) Copy-write 2016, J. B. Sommerset
"Camping in the Night"

(c) Copy-write 2016, J. B. Sommerset
"A Ghost Walking"

(c) Copy-write 2016, J. B. Sommerset
"And the Sun still Shines"

(c) Copy-write 2016, J. B. Sommerset
"The Tower in the Woods"

(c) Copy-write 2016, J. B. Sommerset
"The Sky Lighthouse at Karn"

(c) Copy-write 2016, J. B. Sommerset
"The Waterfall at the end of the World"

(c) Copy-write 2016, J. B. Sommerset
"The Four Winds of Ip'Saala"

(c) Copy-write 2016, J. B. Sommerset
"Walking the Waste"

(c) Copy-write 2016, J. B. Sommerset
"Atop the Morskog"

(c) Copy-write 2016, J. B. Sommerset
"Old Valoore"

(c) Copy-write 2016, J. B. Sommerset
"The Trees of Old"
"The Spire of Alm'Nyrasah"

(c) Copy-write 2016, J. B. Sommerset
"Mi'Gonk, the Turtle under the Burning Sea"

"The tree of Y'rk"

(c) Copy-write 2016, J. B. Sommerset
"An Old Glypher Poem"

"The Twin Bridges of the South Lands"

"The Order of Learned Men"


"The Canyons of Karrenth"
"Ebin-Sud of the West"

"Lakes of Azry'azael"

"The Tree of Yrk (redone)"


"Hair (2)"

"The Greater Lands of Umbria"

"The TolenVolke"

"The Monastery in the mountains"

"Through the Eyes of Others"

"The Tower By The Sea."

"Between the Aspens."

"The Great Tree Alithaer"

"Daldune: The Monastery on the Mountain"

"The Eyes of Iskander"

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