Instead of an audiobook this time around, and because it is Halloween, I decided to post a different kind of story. Sometimes I like to go back to my roots for a different kind of storytelling. If I am in the mood for something a little spooky, and because it's that time of year, I like to revisit some creepypasta stories from my late-night internet binges. The ones hustled to me straight from some shady and abysmal corner of the "dark web." Some of you might not know what a creepypasta is. Short and straightforward, a creepypasta is an internet story based on a legend. They are told around late-night digital fires, like those on Reddit , Tumbler , or 4Chan . They are retold until someone decides to commit them to internet lore. Most, if not all, have an element of horror to them. Despite their reputation for being "lower" quality, and literary dreg, some are very well written and well put together. Some... not so much. These days I stay away from the chart r...